Thursday, August 19, 2010

#2 of lifes many lessons

oh yeah.

#2 of life's many lessons.
when falling asleep in a lecture don't use your arm as a headrest if you wear a bracelet on your arm. if you do you end up with the imprint on your forehead! and trust me. it is not fun receiving many stares from people. i tried to cover it with my fringe but the wind kept blowing my fringe back!
so today i stayed home to study seeing that i only have one class .. may as well have gone to uni.. didn't do any study during the time i could've been at uni -.- . just started and already blogging jeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeez.

ended up reading my own blog posts from last year. those times seemed so far away now and i do not even remember most of them somehow... but they seemed like happy times. they sounded cheerful. lol. anyhow the other day i was walking to the bus stop near my house and a chinese man drove past doing the whole 180 degree stare at me. yet again grossed out. so many perverts these days. i mean if it was a young guy that would be normal, but a middle aged man who ALSO had his wife in the car....felt sorry for her. your wife not good enough ?! if my future husband do that i will poke out his eyes ha ha ha! just kidding..maybe :P

oh and a few nights ago i had a dream that i was getting married to a close friend. it wasn't the wedding ceremony or anything important, i was just choosing the flowers for my bouquet. if the person's name wasn't mentioned in the dream i'd have been getting married to some mystery guy ;) which i would have preferred much more because now i see that person i can't stop thinking "ha i was gonna marry you in my dream" and i don't dare to tell him about the dream lol! don't you sometimes think who you'll end up with? like that person could be in front of you or right next to you this very moment and you never know! D:

found a slug in the house the other night too! ever since young i had a fear of slugs, snails, worms, jelly fish etc. slimy things like that :( one time when i was little my dad told me to hold out my hand so being so young and listening to whatever my dad said i did. then he suddenly put a worm onto my hand! so mean! i never listen to what he say after that! i cried so much that day! even my older brother got mad at my dad for doing that to me .awww. well anyway this slug that i found in the house the other day, didn't scare me that much, i think my phobia is getting better, as long as it doesn't touch me i'm fine. but still a bit paranoid when i look at it. anyhow i nicely asked both my brothers to get rid of it for me. one cannot as he says he is busy playing dota, the other so lazy don't want to get off his ass and just tell me to get rid of it myself. kept whining at him but he never budge still so decided to get rid of it once and for all as it was getting closer to my room. who said slugs move slow! they are fricken fast! a few more minutes and it would have reached my room! i didn't want to touch it with my hands so i put a tissue next to it and it crawled onto it and in no time at all! because so fast. carried the tissue carefully to the bin holding sides of the tissue that was furthest <--(is that how you spell?) away from the slug ( the journey to the bin seemed so long and kept wondering if it was going to jump on me and crawl on me) binned the slug and tada! it was gone. then remembered that the slug could crawl out of the bin so i sprinkled some salt on it. someone once told me that salt kills slugs. i felt bad for killing it but i really really didn't want it to crawl back up. sorry slug :( next time stay outdoors ok. going to pester my dad to get rid of the indoor plants. i think thats what bought the slug inside. it wouldn't be the first time , one time my dad found a snail on the staircase. so creepy :/

okay i blogged about a slug. i should get back to studying now . test tomolo T_T

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

blogging a lot lately. almost once a day D: mainly because i don't want to study or am distracting myself from studying on purpose :D

watched this show on tv last night about people keeping chimps as pets. who were later mauled by them or their friends were. gross. apparently they're really strong. i never thought they were since i thought they'd have the same strength as people seeing that they are almost the same in size. liiiike...they can even pull fingers off. groooooossss. disgusting. i'd hate to see someones fingers pulled off just like that . siiick. they can even tear off a person face. i don't see why people would want them as pets :
1. they are not cute
2. big
3. have to take care of them 24/7
4. rage

why don't people just get a normal pet like a dog.
there was a chimp that could paint but it just looked like a kiddies finger painting. and sold for $200 over US $ . wtf! who would waste their money on such a ugly painting........that's what i don't get about artwork. like those abstract paintings and it sells for hundreds and thousands of dollars and it's just a piece of canvas and paint. which any person could easily paint themselves. not all artwork is bad though. like leonardo da vinci...thats about the only one lol. why don't i just get a piece of canvas, scribble on it and sell it for a hundred dollars :/

Tuesday, August 17, 2010


almost finished my assignment and then BAM! effin word document closes on meeeeeeeee
it automatically saved ◕.◕
that moment when you think your work didn't save and then you'd have to redo it all over again can really kill someone
killed me for a second deep inside. yes it did.
saw my life flash before my sleepy eyes
the life where i would be spending the next few hours yet again in front of a computer.
at this rate i'll be needing glasses.

wake up -> uni -> home -> study/homework in front of computer -> sleep

only to repeat itself again! D:

why am i bloggiiiiiiing?!

Monday, August 16, 2010


#1 of life's many lessons..

when going out to eat, never order chicken wings!
especially if it has sauce.
why? you cannot eat it with a fork and knife if you do not want to look like a savage as i had experienced at Oporto's this weekend -.-
if you try you only end up dropping it on the table and then it becomes unedible x.x
eventually gave up with the knife and fork since i didn't want to waste anymore chicken by accidentally dropping it on the table so began to use my hands. yuck. sauce under nails and got stiiiickkkyyyy

so don't order chicken wings! unless you like to eat like that -.-

Saturday, August 14, 2010

do you liiikkeeey my coat ??! :O

if you do, good on you. if you don't, you should. do you know why???

because it was only $10!!

unbeliiiiiieeeevably cheap !! i had to get the cashier to repeat the price to me! and then when i got home and told my dad...i had to repeat the price to him! wah liaao so cheap!

80% off! starting to like winter a liiitle bit more , just so i can wear my coat :P

pic is taken with my new phone . why so blurry?! because only 2.0 megapixel :( how sad . but i still love it because it slides sideways upwards :D looks awesome! and i blinged it with hello of a kind muahaha no one has the same phone now!

if you could get plastic surgery where would you get it done?

who wants a nose job?!

i doooooooooooooooo!

i always feel that i have unwanted mass of crap on my face thanks to my unflattering chubby nose..i don't even smile and it's that wiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiide ! >:(
me so sad with my ugly nose :( the only thing that ruins such a cutesy wootsy face :L mum is sooo against it, she's always like
"be happy with what god gave you"
"you should be grateful you even have a nose"

lol yes mum...i am grateful that i have a nose but i just want to alter it a weee little bit..ok maybe a bit more than a wee bit.... glasses don't even stay on my face properly! not that i need glasses but one day in the future i might since....all asians have glasses -0-0-.. so yeah...a nose job would be necessary lol...but maybe 19 is too young for cosmetic surgery? is it? i'm asian . it shouldn't be a problem ..we all get it done sometime in our gone typical singaporean nose!

Friday, August 6, 2010

hello aaall.
at this rate i;m not going to get my acctg assignment done so i think i'll just pull an all nighter and regret it tomolo :)

lol i had a vision two weeks ago.
i had a dream that supre was had a $12 rack at their store.
the next day i go past supre and see that they don't have a $12 rack.
so i know it was a dream. i always get my dreams and real life mixed up >.<
today i went past supre again on the way to uni.
and what do i see?
a $12 rack . lol

see . i had a vision :P
but i hope my other dreams don't come true cause they all seem to be natural disasters......o.o

ok back to acctg! finally balanced my trial balance....why do all this crap by hand! the computer does it for us anywaaay. >:(

Monday, August 2, 2010

helloooooooooo everyooone! :D
ahh~~ it feels great being 19.
noooott. i feel the same.
although i think i've gone less smart :(
blame the alcohol >:)

spent the night with friends in town :D
eat . drink . played . raced . clubbed .
certainly a night too remember :)
especially when we temporarily got trapped in the parking lot and thought we had to spend the night in it lol >.< *panic panic*

i think it was the best birthday so far :D
thank you to everyone who wished & celebrated with me!!