Tuesday, February 1, 2011

summer daze

before i finally go to bed i'm gonna blog! i think it's time for another post, has been quite a while hasn't it?

this is defitnitely the best summer ever! just full of happiness every single day. nothing to ruin my day, just beaches, sun, food, laughs, amazing worship and the lovely people i spent it with :)

went to waiheke island a few weeks ago with family friends from church. got to say it's NZ's most beautiful beach and the most relaxing place ever. took a ferry to the island, haven't been on one in aaaages, the smell of salty air and the breeze feels so gooood!

accidentally fell asleep while sun tanning. still trying to even out my skin colour after all these years, and ended up making it worse

i stole myself another brother hehehe

juuuuliaaa oh juliaaaa, koolest kid ever!

to make my summer even better was parachute2011
  pictures stolen from RM wahaha 
 I've never seen so many Christians in one place and i feel that my relationship with God has also gotten closer, i'm so glad i went :)
The worship was amazing, especially with Chris Tomlin! i soo want my future husband to be like him! :D 
also never seen so many guys in one spot wearing skinny jeans :O

 i wonder how many more days i can keep the parachute band on my arm for, hopefully i can get away with it at work by disguising it with my watch heh heh heh

my merchandise :D 
wanted to buy more except..........i lost 30bux that fell out of my pocket :( and had barely any money on eftpos aiyaaaaaaaaaaaaaa ! :(
 SKILLET! was my fave act :D amazing. amazingly awesome
 can't stop replaying it in my head, 
managed to survive the mosh pit, smelled of grass and sweat, pleasant? i think not

 if you saw this guy on the street you would never think he was a christian would you?
his testimony was amaaaaaziiing! and so is his hair .

 my christmas colour shaved ice hehe so perfect for a hot sunny day 

 awesome awesome awesome. it's not everyday you see a kumara lying in the middle of nowhere.

survived without electricity and chinese food for four days and tenting with weird friends

even if the parachute ticket was preeetty expensive it was totally worth it! you can't put a price on growing closer to God!