Tuesday, January 4, 2011

hihi ^^

i heard a certain someone said i haven't blogged in a while hahaha :P so i will blog.

got random photos from December till now, time for a catch up on my asian life!!

made a gift basket for sophie's birthday :D, i should do this as a career

in the window of an asian bakery in town! so cuuute!

saw cheese noodles in korean supermarket, had to try!

taste of cheese wasn't strong enough :(

masssiiiiiive chupachup!!

bubble tea for doggy!

made a cake for my parents wedding anniversary..

bak kut teh instant noodles haha goooood stuff

finally completed my hello kitty collection!

steamboat lunch on xmas! it was satay flavoured mmmmmmm

currently have a ring obsession :D especially double & triple rings! so stylish :D
i want mooooore!

butterflies on my headphones hehehe i love!
30 seconds to mars & tokio hotel sounds so good on these compared to my shitty ipod ones

heh heh it's been a year since i had that hideous haircut and it's back to perfect again! 
everydays been a good hair-day this year muahaha and i don't have to straighten anymoooore :D
i <3 my hair! ^^