Wednesday, April 18, 2012

winter is coming

Hai all.. once again I neglected my blog..this seems to be pretty common during summer .
Anywho! The transition from summer to winter is taking place as I have started wearing my winter pj's (thats the first sign :D) so I guess I shall begin blogging again since I'll be staying warm and cosy inside bedroom tehehe

Mid-sem break is almost over so I'm rushing to get assignments and readings done ahead of time so I'll have more time to study during the second half of semester so at the moment I'm procrastinating..does that make sense? yeahnah

This summer was pretty much the best summer ever so far, mainly coz I got to go on an epic journey back to SG with my friend :D always get so happy when I look back on our :P It's pretty amazing though how the contents of your wallet decrease in two and a half weeks overseas T_T

ehehe durian pancakes! i want them in my mouth now! :(

this store only sold wonton mee! lol! all i ate from this dish was the wontons and charsiew...i was too full to eat the noodles. never hungry in humid weather! such a shame :( 

omg this popiah was so so goooood! well im only comparing it to my dad's haha. sorry daddy
in the corner was a small bowl of beef noodles that Co said I must try...and it was pretty darn delicious!

free popcorn! i like it when there are free samples :D and I also like it when I make new friends :D I like my new bff

super yummy chicken rice..oh how I miss you so much :'( i guess my mums one will satisfy me for now 

my mum's cousin bought me to eat yong tau foo...she said I must eat it coz Yong is my mums maiden first I thought 7 items would be too little but it was actually pretty fulling..or I just have a small stomach

refreshing mango sago after Co and I went to USS. We finished all the rides by 5pm, the lines were so short coz it was non-peak wahaha but we ended up going on too many roller coasters at once and I got uber motion sickness but couldn't vomit so went to nap in the JURASSIC PARK foodcourt..if Co never woke me up I would've slept till closing -.-
after USS we went shopping in Vivo, only bought one top there coz it was so exp so hinted that I wanted to go to a cheaper place saying "i feel like shopping for cheap clothes" Co got the hint and asked if I wanted to go Bugis! weheheh me was so happy! <3 Bugis st

i regret not buying more of this :( can't believe there's banana freakin pocky! 

tried the hokkaido milk ice cream in takashimaya which was so delicious...what flavour? DURIAN! YES!

my aunt and cousin took me to this cantonese place in ION. It was so beautiful :'D even the manager there was beautiful...he looked like Jaejoong and the porridge there was so so goooood :')

pretty plates and chopsticks and wet towel!

pretty menu! 

i'm not stalking by the way, i was taking a pic of the inside and the super hot manager just happened to walk into my photo! if i wanted to talk him i would've taken a nice clear pic of his face.....and body 

 i tried okanamiyaki for the first time! i was only looking at the menu then the store owner started talking to me and he looked sad so I couldn't help but buy one! in the end it was so satisfying
an unglam pic of me drinking my fav bandung and Co with her noodles. she's a noodles person. we both aren't fans of rice :O yay!

@ island creamery! you can take pics and put them on the wall! we spent a good half hour trying to take a good pic lol and ended up with this one :D then spent another good half hour trying to print it lol


our ice creams! i regret not trying the peanut butter one now :( there also seems to be segregation between the ice creams huhuhu

i think thats all the food photos i managed to take lol..enjoy this photo of a random pad and Isaacs foot on the mrt stairs hahaha, good times good times

ahhh ~~ I already miss all the good times shopping, eating and playing with friends :""D

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