Thursday, December 2, 2010

ramble rumble

last week was so long ago, trying to remember what i did..hmmm...walked from meadowlands to chinatown in botany, watched korean drama with friends, went to youthgroup, had a picnic, watched disney, went shopping. got that robe i wanted muahahaaa, started my hello kitty advent calendar :D 

why is it that during the holidays i'll be super busy for one week and then dead quiet the next? i should organise my time better. starting to feel the humidity lately. am certain i have gone up a shade or so, sun in nz is so strong & i always forget to slip slop slap my sunscreen on before i rush out the door. Still wanting that skin whitening cream... i didn't even get any lighter during the winter! like half a shade maybe -.-. 

i really really don't like it when people cycle on the road, they should stay on the path, it's also for their own good. they slow down traffic too much! if you're gonna cycle on the road, cycle fast! there's shitloads of cars behind you & you're slowing them down . 
just felt i had to express my own opinion. 

 haha lol saw this the other day t(-.-t), it's doing the fingers!

losing track of what day it is! 

should go do something productive. bye

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