Friday, September 24, 2010


it's already friday again! noooooooo! soon it will be time for exams again :'(

this is going to be a random blog post with random stuff because i feel like it. random is a weird word to me now.
anyhow why do korean boys smell so gooooooooooood & they also smell the same! it's so weird, like they use the same soap or cologne. It's not that i sniff them..past few days a different one always sits next to me on the bus and then their smell drifts in my direction ..i love it when nice smelling people sit next to me on the bus, makes the ride bearable. also saw a dead duck on the road the other day. left me super super hungry and craving for duck, which i never had T_T no more $$$ :'(..haven't even eaten mooncake yet!!!!!!! should have bought the separate one from munchy mart was only $5 so cheap! normally $40+ for a pack of 4 at tai ping!

just found the memory card for the ps2 lol! was looking for it months ago and it's riiiight in front of me now...siiiigh ... why does that happen....why....don't need it anymore ...siiiiigh. something is wrong with my DDR mat as well ! :'( it's super laggy!!! can't get any perfect steps because you step on the mat and it doesn't get through to the game until half second later & then miss the step! so sad :( and i want to play. it's the only fun exercise :( :( 

there was a blind lady at the bus stop today! really amazed by her! managed to get on her bus without any help! if it was me i'd end up walking on the road and end up getting run down by a vehicle :/ and when she took out money for the bus fare she took out the right notes! how does she do it!
nooooooooooo those poor avocados! :( they already so expensive, like $2 for just one. i remember when it was just $1 . i really don't like the weather lately. just when winter is over and it gets warm for a while a storm comes! perrrrfect timing don't you think?

yah..i think this is all for my random blogpost today, time to study again :( my test marks were terrifying D:

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